Canadians rally to defeat the leftist, socialist, separtist coalition. Halleluia! Rallies are being held all over Canada so Canadians can have a voice. Hopefully their voice will be heard. Dion, Layton, Duceppe are disgusting. Acting like they won the election. Spoiler. These deucebags lost the election. The conservatives won the election and deserved to win.
Sad that I have to work today. I would rather spend the time calling in to radio shows to show my support for the Conservative government.
This sneaking in the back door crap being hyped by the Coalition parties may be acceptable in third world countries, but not here, not in my Canada. I urge all Canadians to get out and rally against the coaliton. The election was held only this past October thats only about six weeks ago. The lust for power at the expense of Joe and Jody Canadian, because of selfish mean spirited , not right in the head, Leftists, Socialists and Separtists must be stopped.
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Hi Dee - just stopped by to see what you're up to only to find you in fine political flight :)
I think it is a reflection of the instability worldwide at the moment. All governments are being shaken, tried and tested and people are questioning and looking for change. Not always for the right reasons!
Recessions are bad for us all :(
Jayne :)
Good luck fighting the coalition Deidre, we are dealing with our own president trying to make us into a socialist state, so I completely empathize.
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