Thursday, May 31, 2007

Christian Museaum

I heard the news today oh boy, about a Christian Group who made the grade. A Creationsist Museaum has been built in Petersburgh Kentucky, U.S.A. The museaum has been built by a nonprofit ministry called Answers In Genesis. The cost of the museaum is 27 Million dollars. Built with private donations. This museaum tells the story of Biblical Creation. The museaum will have a 180 seat, special effects theatre, along with robotic roaring dinosaurs, and huge , 12 meteres high actually, exhibit of Noah's Ark. I checked out the website, really interesting. I think a road trip might be in order. Kudo's to Kentucky and Intelligent design. Deirdre


Anonymous said...

Yes indeed Dee! I'm only a 19 hour drive from there too. Have you ever visited the 'Sights and Sounds' theater in PA? Amazing productions. I've been to see 'Daniel in the Lion's Den' and 'Noah's Ark'. Well worth the trip.

Deirdre said...

hi ambre. I wish i could go. Sounds like you had a good time. Deirdre

fangers said...

I would love to make that trip as well!

Mike Demastus said...

I haven't been but we will make the trek ourselves one day...we live in Des Moines, IA...and we have heard Ken Ham (the museum's founder) speak many times. Thanks for the blog!

Deirdre said...

Hey Guys if you can swing by Ontario im up for the road trip. lol. Deirdre.

Deirdre said...

Welcome to Mike. Thanks for stopping by. Deirdre